Dr Mary Kalantzis

Cambridge University Press, 2008 (2nd edition, 2012, also in Spanish
and Greek editions, with Chinese, Portuguese and Russian editions in
press); Literacies, Cambridge University Press, 2012 (2nd edition, 2016, also in Greek and Spanish Editions, Portuguese in press); A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, Palgrave, London, 2015; and the two volume grammar of multimodal meaning: Making Sense and Adding Sense, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Dr Bill Cope

not-for-profit publisher and developer of "social knowledge"
technologies. He is a former First Assistant Secretary in the Department
of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in the Australian Government and
Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. His research interests
include theories and practices of pedagogy, cultural and linguistic
diversity, and new technologies of representation and communication. His
recent research has focused on the development of digital writing and
assessment technologies, with the support of a number of major grants
from the US Department of Education, the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation and the National Science Foundation. The result has been the CGScholar multimodal writing and assessment environment. Among his publications are edited volumes on The Future of the Academic Journal and e-Learning Ecologies, and a book co-authored with Kalantzis and Magee, Towards a Semantic Web: Connecting Knowledge in Academic Research.